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Old 18-03-2005, 07:50 PM   #13
FPV-Tickford Club of NSW
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Join Date: Jan 2005
Location: Sydney
Posts: 398

Just to clear up a few things here..
To be fair to the past committee, it is not as simple as most would think to organise an event like these mentioned, but in saying that all of these events have been looked at before.
The club does try to do atleast one track day a year.. there has been a gap between now and the last one simply because we cannot get a date to book in at wakefield (its all booked out till the second half of this year) so the plan was still to get one in.
A problem the club has with even booking the track is when you call up and ask which days are available and then decide on one that doesnt clash with pre organised events Wakefield require the deposit to keep that date for you.. the club obviously then has to (if we have the money to do it) hand over the deposit well before it has even been announced to see how many interested members we are going to have, which is a big risk (because of the limited people willing to participate) in the hope that the keen people can make it on that day.

The drag day... it would be a great day, but to put it simple, we would need to get 30 to 50ish cars to do this, and we just don't have enough members interested in paying $200 each to do this... yes, it is better than paying $40 (or how much on wednesday nights) and getting only 2 or 3 runs, but if people are just not interested, then they just arent.

Driver training days... Brad from the club runs these quite regularly at Oran park, and this would be the best way for the club to participate in one of these days, but these get mentioned at meetings and always put in the club magazine and a few members like kelli and big matt attend, but other than that nobody shows any interest.

These events will only work if there are a reasonable large number of members very willing to participate, they are not cheap things to do, but as everyone knows, most things involving cars/motorsport isnt...

There could be many reasons that lots of members are not interested in doing these types of events.. weather it be money or whatever, and that is entirely up to them. Im just guessing here, but I would say that the big problem with most members is that their FPV/Tickford car is their only car, or their family car and they really cant afford to damage it, and while the risk at these events isnt that great, it is still more of a risk than driving it on a cruise at their own pace...

As for the cruises to pubs here and there to watch the V8 supercars... these cruises ALWAYS attract a good number of members, and while ofcourse its best to vary events/cruises.. the club does have to what the majority of people attend, there is no point in going on different cruises and only getting 5 cars coming along because people arent interested.

In saying all that, im sure Gary will once again look at these events again and try to get interest up, and therefore go ahead if he can, hopefully they can work out this time...

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