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Old 13-07-2006, 03:25 AM   #187
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Thornlie, WA
Posts: 3

I read the first 2pgs of this thread and it seriously makes me wanna pull a gun on the next cop that pulls me over. I hope they're reading this too..
I've had a cop tell me I was speeding 25km/h over when I was speeding 9km/h over because I was rolling down a hill.. unmarked car with NO RADAR in it... what a load of ****..
I had to stand there for 25mins in the cold 1am air while he then proceeded to search my car for drugs and wouldnt let me get my jumper so I could stay warm.

I'm gonna leave a video camera, notepad and pen in my car from now on.. next time I get pulled over just because I'm the only car on the road in the early early morning.. I'm going to video tape it and write absolutely everything down on paper so I don't get any facts mixed up.
Then I'll be filing a formal complaint (again) to the superior officer of the one that pulled me over...

I dunno about the other states.. but WA has the most corrupt police force.. more cops quit than they can train replacements for.. and we end up with a bunch of cocky ******** traffic cops that cops from other departments call "jelly backs"..
I'm not saying there isn't decent cops out there.. cos I've met heaps.. but the ratio has sharply shifted this year.

Enough ranting from me..
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