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Old 05-11-2023, 12:06 PM   #19
Franco Cozzo
Thailand Specials
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Default Re: VFACTS October 2023

I'm against increased taxes on Thailand Specials and SUVs - while I don't particularly like either of them I'm not going to argue for punishment for peoples personal choices and how they spend their money - they contribute more money to the system anyway through fuel excise as they use more fuel and they pay more GST on things like consumables with their more expensive tyres et al.

All three levels of government get enough money from everyone as it is, maybe they should just spend it better, we don't have a revenue problem, we've got a retards running the farm problem.

If you wanted to go down that path, another angle to look at it from is the tax benefits Thailand Specials provide and are incentivised through favorable discounts, you could look at things like that as they're being subsidised and encouraged by tax payers.

Or increase the fuel excise on diesel but then increase the fuel tax credits rebate to match, so the people who use it to do something useful aren't effected but the Thailand Specials and SUVs cop it in the rear and you can disincentivise their purchase that way (and force things like hybrid Ranger to come to market quicker and the industry to dump diesel engines) - you can market it from an environmental perspective and you'll have the inner city lefties and teal voters on the hook because there's nothing they love more than holding down someone else and forcing their way on them

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 05-11-2023 at 12:16 PM.
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