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Old 04-12-2022, 10:04 AM   #23
J Arthur Rank
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Join Date: Jun 2015
Posts: 415
Default Re: LPG Falcon dilemma

My brother has the same ute mate, it has 2 x tanks from the factory - one big and one smaller as I recall.

A few years ago, Sprint Gas had their workshop close to where I worked and I asked the bloke about long term lpg availability etc - he seemed confident. They moved to a new location a bit later and a year or 2 after that, are now no longer in Qld. That wasn't all that long ago really.

I've taken all the gas stuff out of my dual fuel sedan since then and while that wasn't the sole reason, it did factor in. I would think people in that line of work would have more knowledge about what is going on or is going to happen than the average gent on the street.
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