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Old 22-02-2022, 06:39 PM   #5
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Default Re: Strange Phantom images

Originally Posted by Crazy Dazz View Post
it's definitely browser related
I can't see the image on Firefox, but can on Chrome

the alt tag is set to blank (I assume that's by default?) so that means that if your browser can't display the image correctly, you get nothing

There have always been issues like this with firefox. Standard advice is to "reinstall and reset to default" and sometimes that works.

I'm no expert, but I believe it has something to do with the way the "image" is configured, combined with Firefox's security/privacy features.
Firefox has a strong stance against spying, whereas that is the entire reason for Chrome's existence!

The issue is with images like that one, that are not simply inserted as an image. Rather they use a content server. (This allows the use of all sorts of permissions, tracking, etc, etc)
ie rather than simply being "....jpg"
it is "....jpg? blah blah blah"

Now if you put the whole URL directly into Firefox, that's fine, and it will work.
However when you insert the URL into another site like AFF, firefox reads that as a "third party tracker" or similar and blocks it.

You can usually fix this by dialling back Firefox's tracking security (if that's what you want)
Setting Tracking Protection back to Standard, should do it, but if not you'll need to select custom and allow trackers and possibly cross-site cookies.

Hope that helps
and yes ........ it's firefox related as i cannot see em either. altho when i clicked on someones link .... url had timed out? [from a quote].
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