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Old 20-02-2022, 08:06 PM   #8
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2010
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Default part time accomodation and flashest

hi everyone

was wondering why every time you go to a 4 star cabin or apartment that has all the flash things and lighting that it makes your 20 plus year old house or new budget house feel out of date.

would it because this generation of workers normally expects to have the latest of everything and doesn't want things that are too old.

or is it more likely that some are trying to hang on until they can buy their own place even if its old where it might be worth putting money into a old house to bring it to latest styles.

live in a 20 year old house and while its a fantastic home for its age its at age where it needs a few jobs done and dont own it and it sort of feels old because it needs a paint job and only has budget lighting and appliances and its not worth putting thousands into it when you could use it for your own plus be able to choose styles.

also yous probably heard the international borders are re opening?

was wondering with that what the chances are or coronavirus cases going back up or if itll stay same and still get better and what chances are that accommodation places and clubs will close again like march 2020 and more lock downs.

most of you know by now that am at a stage of wanting own space and not yet in a financial position to go about it so trying to make do with cabins and apartments for part time accommodation and local mens shed for a proper shed with tools setup until am able to buy own place like past generations did.

yous probably know also that past generations would try do the best they can with what they got until they get what they want and even though am only 35 probably sound older when trying to make do because many people these days wont try to make do until they get what they want like they used to.

when international tourists come will there be cabins avaliable or will they all be taken up

it is possible to run homes on centrelink alone but theres no money left to do anything and dont want to loose that and thats why am working out roughly what youd need to earn a fortnight to pay bills and have a life as well.

as for the shut downs only wondering because am at a stage of wanting own space and want a proper shed and trying for now to make do with cabins and the local mens shed and apartments as theyre probably only options at moment and with coronavirus cases especially if theyre high you never know if theyll get shut down again and for how long.

plus house that am living in isnt big enough or doesnt have a completely separate building for you to live in out back where you can isolate separate or not be inconvenienced because of someone in main house or have privacy to do business stuff or phone and virtual meetings and have your own space.

yous probably already know that if you cant separate totally theres chance youll either get coronavirus too or possibly face extension in isolation, thats if someone in your house gets it.

once am able to buy property will still go to local mens shed when you can and go to cabins once in while but wouldnt be dependant on them

know someone who knows someone who had to do 28 days because everyone in house got it.

also is there a way to meet a girl or people your age the way boomers did or are you going to have to risk online and whatever else this generation does today to meet people their age and be careful
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