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Old 05-08-2019, 05:30 PM   #1082
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

Finished off a job for this bird today. Ive done enough work for that company that i can have a bit of a joke with the client. So when i looked at the job to start with, once i left the first thing she did was sent my manager an email saying stuff like the solution offered exceeds what she thought could get done etc. So once we i finished she said to me that was quick. So my standard 1 liner for that is you sound just like my ex wife.
Anyrate, job done so i show the work and she says shes going to email my manager and request it be me who does the next works and how my solution and work far exceeded her expectations and she kept on rambling. At the end of that i said you forgot the most important thing jokingly. She says whats that? So i said my other joke... i am incredibly good looking. Then she did the cheeky, lets see how you manager reacts when i do put that in the email. She beat me at my own game.
In all fairness, none of the solution offered was rocket surgury. I do jobs like that all the time so i know what products are out there. Stuff like you cant put a power point in the corner on glass, but you can put a power pole with a power point on it infront of the glass. Just make it neat. Not that hard at all. I call it work. But positive feedback i like.
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