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Old 03-03-2019, 08:12 PM   #1556
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Feb 2005
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by XB GS 351 Coupe View Post
A lot longer than what 99.9% of the population fast
Physiology doesn't change depending on how many people are doing something. 24-48hrs is not a long term fast WRT needing to replace electrolytes for most people.

What makes you say it's counter productive? Fasting increases growth hormone, is muscle sparing and fat burning, all desirable things when weight training.
High intensity weight training engages the anaerobic/alactic system, which is powered by creatine/glycogen. Training in a fasted state (ie. one in which glycogen is depleted) increases the likelihood of catabolism, and reduces the scale of the adaptive response to training. Your power output on fat is significantly less than on glycogen (around a third less), and is why distance runners 'hit the wall', they transition from glycogen to fat.

What risk is there in frying meat and vegetables?? Never heard of this
Maillard reaction generates advanced glycation end-products, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, nitrosamines. All linked to cancer. Loads of research on it.

What studies demonstrate a long term danger or risk factor of Keto diets?
You're the one who criticised the risk of doing something with unknown side effects and long term consequences. If you're going to have a go at me for drinking something that hasn't been demonstrated to be unsafe, it seems only fair to do the same re: keto.
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