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Old 10-10-2018, 11:51 AM   #1674
Peter Car
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Default Re: 2018 Ranger Raptor

Originally Posted by ozrunner View Post
Really. Keep reading.

You have a go at me by quoting the above 18 day continuous test as being gospel and god forbid you still seem to believe it. I simply pointed out the dudes summary is obvious BS. For christ sake look at the vid facts.

First off, the dude says Ford's complex testing of the Ranger was undertaken HERE and it's a freaking shed on top of a hill in the middle of nowhere with two gravel roads, no electricity etc etc, yet that's where Ford carried out all those comprehensive tests on the Ranger. Yeah right.

Surely you would also be aware that before running a vehicle on a chassis dyno the first thing the operator does is position and turn on a monstrous fan in front of the grill yet they are only going to be doing WOT bursts for seconds, not 18 freaking continous days.

Now look at 3.26 in the vid.

There's not even a freaking fan in place for your 18 continous days dyno run. Explain that?

Then we have another poster say it doesn't matter as all temps stabilise in an hour or so due to basic thermodynamics. Might want to email accredited shops like PWR that make and sell various quality coolers and ask them are they screwing us and F1 teams as they're not needed. Also advise all the various other professional race teams that spending time and money on elaborate trans, diff coolers and even dry sumps to get the hot oil out is BS as thermodymanics rule. F.... me.

I previously also mentioned it couldn't survive 18 continous days at WOT without major coolers and now seeing there's not even a rad fan in place I'll now revise that and say the engine would have blown well before 18 days and probably more like 18 minutes.

Now Einstein let it run past 3.26 and you will notice Ford's comprehensive testing SHED where all this happened appears to be freaking empty !!!!! It also must have a wide open corridor between all this so called testing equipment so the Raptor could wind up for exit.

I suspect that's the same shed where Ford must have signed off on the FG's diff bushes

As a point of interest I don't know whether you watched Bathurst but this add was shown many times during its telecast BUT only from late 3.26, which also makes me wonder why.

So sorry to burst you bubble but its fairly obvious your gospel 18 days straight chassis dyno run in a shed in the middle of nowhere that probably doesn't even exist is total and utter BS so I'm not the one looking dumb as you can take that crown.

MC. Mate, that's a great link and awesome to see what they did with the Coyote but as suspected the tests mentioned would be regarded as the norm. There's a big difference between continuous versus various tests done at intervals over a period of time, which is not the issue here. My point was the dudes reference to a 18 day continous chassis dyno test if it's not a grammatical error it's total BS, yet some here still seem to believe it.
This is just too funny. Using an obviously computer generated advertisement as evidence the tests must be fake. Oh my freaking god.

Even a 12 year old would realise that it's computer generated, and not the actual facilities Ford use to do their testing.

Thanks for making my day, I needed that laugh. Brilliant
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