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Old 09-11-2016, 01:33 PM   #231
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: US Presidential Elections - Boring or Important to Australia?

Originally Posted by Mercury Bullet View Post
Do people realise what will happen militarily if Trump wins?

Things will change big time in this country and not for the better.
One of the first things to go will be the ANZUS treaty.

And having that buffoon with his finger on the nuclear button.
Be very careful what you wish for.
That's just a totally unfounded lie that the insane Marxist media are peddling.

Trump says something and the media work to twist everything around with totally outrageous statements, that have noting to do with what he truly said at all and the media conduct a sound bites and work to base it off that, but if you bother to go look at the whole conversations that went down in detail, you can see the media have concocted his words and worked to set him up as a fool or a twit.

Problem is most people don't have the integrity to look past the media spin and games they play and are only media educated dolts that can't see past there nose what creeps the media truly are.

I believe Trump could fix the problems with the Mid east, because Obama has only worked to create most of the problems and that sticks out like dogs balls that they have created ISIS and are playing games with them all and on the other hand they want to pump all them radical nuts into the western world full on and nothing could be more moronic or down right stupid thing to do, I believe they are working to create anarchy down the track, so the Marxist can work so as to become dictators with more and more restrictive laws on laws until democracy is destroyed.
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