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Old 19-10-2015, 04:13 PM   #141
Ross 1
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety


My issue is being bored. My mind is powerful enough in me that those thoughts do come to front and I need things to distract this, like Xbox, cooking, walking (I walk 6km a day at the moment), cleaning, washing, work, hell anything to keep me focused on a task.[/QUOTE]

Boredom is a risk as it gives your mind time to over analyse everything. I was briefly ocd for cleaning, still am to a certain point. If I wasn't working or spending time with my family, I was cleaning. As bent_8 suggests sport is great, I was too injured to go back to rugby union so I tried boxing, great way to release stress tension. Even if you lose you feel good, have a look if there is any white collar boxing gyms near you, bit of a safer intro to the ring than going straight to a gym with pro fighters, learnt that the hard way when I only lasted two and a bit rounds against a semi pro who was nearly 20 years younger than me.
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