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Old 02-08-2014, 12:29 AM   #96
Mercury Silver T3
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Default Re: Home Theatre systems

Originally Posted by Sox View Post
Thanks for the kind words.

As for the acoustic stuff.

The foam on the front wall is scrap foam I had for years, probably just a mattress kind of foam, and most likely not ideal for acoustics, but when it's 200mm thick, then it's more than enough.
On top of that is 32lbs/ft rigid fiberglass paneling at 100mm thick.
So the front wall has 300mm of acoustic treatment, in a nutshell the wall doesn't exist acoustically, close to anechoic.

The ceiling has the same 100mm rigid fiberglass on a grid, with a 100mm air gap, I guess this would be semi anechoic.

The side walls have 50mm Dunlop foam - AA29-400. This is the same stuff most commercial studios use on the walls. And the cheap-ish bass traps found on Ebay etc.
It's perhaps not the very best material for this purpose, but it's very good, and sensibly priced.

The back wall just has a mish-mash of scrap foam for the moment.

Bass traps are also currently a mish mash of the Dunlop foam mentioned above.

Ultimately I'm aiming for the 50mm Dunlop foam all the way down the side walls, and probably 100mm on the back wall.

The bass traps will also be quite different, basically a large column in all 4 corners, made from a lightweight timber frame, filled with high density fiberglass or cotton, held in with mesh and covered in a fabric.

3 more hollow columns will exist down the side walls, and tuned as need.

A bulk head mad the same way as the columns, and also tuned as required.

The equipment is only one part of the puzzle, extensive room treatments are what make a system work to it's full potential.
Fair enough. I'm in the midst of a room upgrade at the moment. Updated the receiver to a marantz sr7008 which literally got rid of a third of the cabling at the rear of the Also running wides now so it's a 9.3 speaker setup.

I'm a little dissapointed that neo x and dsx has been dumped by Dolby in less than 12 mths for Atmos. I didn't think Atmos would be in home avr's for a yr or two but most avr's brands will have Atmos by Xmas. I think the first generation are probably worth missing anyway due to the way these have been rushed to market.

Hopefully DTS will have their new sound formats in the second gen avrs to

The reason I enquired about your acoustic treatment is I'm also tackling this area of my room while it's in pieces. I've got eight soon to be ten hf panels for first reflections, a couple for the ceiling. They are 75mm thick.

Now the last couple weeks I've been researching bass trapping, I've also done some FR sweeps and rt60 measurements using a mini dsp mic and some software. I have some fairly deep nulls in a couple of my seating positions, one at 50hz is 25db. Some of the commercial traps will have an affect on this frequency not many and they are pretty expensive. So I will either make my own following commercial designs which have proven results or just bite the bullet buy some. Anyway I keep you updated on how I go.
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