Thread: Tax the rich?
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Old 07-05-2014, 12:42 AM   #215
Franco Cozzo
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Default Re: Tax the rich?

Originally Posted by Auslandau View Post
Unless you are in that position haivng to use a child care centre, you are talking about something that you do not understand.

In a perfect world where all things are equal it might be great that 1 can be at home while the other is a full time mum (Dad or whatever) but some need to to keep their heads above water and a roof over the family with food to go around and find that is the only way to do it.

We used them, had to at that stage. My wife is also a teacher and now being a kinder teacher knows from day 1 the kids that have come straight from home and those who have been to a centre.

There is more to being good parents than just being home for them 24/7. Seen both and no way can someone make such a blanket and what I think, a naive and biased statement.

Move from home, have a kid, buy a house ... etc, and then come back and talk about it. Some can do it quite well, some cant.
I might not have kids but I was that little kid in the 1990s.

When I was growing up in the 1990s there were times where my old man could barely afford to put fuel in his crappy XE Falcon (and later an even worse EA Falcon on LPG) and food on the table as he was the only one working as Mum was looking after me and my sister at home, Mum was even making our clothes at one stage.

We didn't really go out much, as we couldn't afford to and we never went on "holidays" up until 2011 was our first family holiday, in my life time I'd only been across the border into NSW once, Phillip Island on a school camp in 2008 and then the first time ever on a holiday in 2011 on a cruise with my parents (Their last holiday was their Honeymoon in the early 1980s).

Dad still managed to get us into a new house in 1994 in the Macedon Ranges and we're still there, they really struggled but we survived and we got through it all on one wage, the old man being the bread winner.

It is possible to bring up a family on a single wage these days and some people here are doing it, my parents did.

I wouldn't change anything if I could go back in time and effect the outcome of how it turned out, I might not have been on holidays every year across the country, we only had 1 car up until 1999 until Mum got hers but it made us the people we are today and I have a really good relationship with both of my parents.

I don't plan on having kids because I don't really want to make those sacrifices to be honest and I wouldn't be a good parent.

Also when you're on Newstart, out of a job, plenty of people are willing to kick you when you're down but they don't realise the barriers faced by unemployed people to get back into any kind of work in 2014, its not like the 1970s where you could walk out of one place then into the next and start the next day. Then I'm sure the others here can tell you the issues with the system, theres people who want the work but can't get it, then theres the ones who don't want the work but because they're long term unemployed they get the training and benefits, the others just get a piece of paper to sign and told to come to these meetings to sign more papers to still get no help or your payments will get cut.

Last edited by Franco Cozzo; 07-05-2014 at 01:02 AM.
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