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Old 12-03-2014, 03:21 PM   #41
Where to next??
Yellow_Festiva's Avatar
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Default Re: Malaysian Airways Flight 370

A plane cruises at.. what... 860km/h?? So, if it was flying for 1hr untracked the search area is huge, some 581 thousand square km (or half of South Australia)!

And that could be in any random direction from last known position...

If it was off the radar for even 30 minutes, you only need to search over an area the size of... well, Victoria.

10 minutes... you are searching the whole of Tasmania.

Real 'needle in a haystack' stuff when you consider the areas mentioned above.

How big would the floating debris be? Depends on how the plane came apart, and at what altitude I guess?

They could be searching for a concentrated patch of floaters no bigger than a football field, or they could be looking for specs of this and that spread out over 10 sq km...

Then you have tides, winds, weather and currents to factor in...

Oh man....

I've been around the world a couple of times or maybe more.......
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