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Old 10-07-2013, 01:38 AM   #212
Join Date: May 2013
Posts: 1,934
Default Re: I want to quit smoking but i fail everytime

I'm a smoker....don't wanna be!. Even I dislike the smell, makes everything stink (including me!). Can't stand people that congregate outside shops fagin' on or at a school waitin' for their kids. I chew gum when I go to his school, not smoke. Certainly don't want my 12 yr old son to pick 'em up. I have slowly changed my own habits over the last couple of years to cut right back. It's working but always go into panic mode when I get down to my last bit of baccy (rollies). First I stopped smoking in the car & the house. Started having breaky first when I get up THEN have the first cig. Being a self employed gardener with few jobs, I stopped taking baccy to work with me for 2 to 3 hours at a time. I always wash my hands and brush my teeth after a cig & I can tell ya' the novelty's wearin' off...(probably the enamel on my teeth too)! Now it's school holiday's and I get to sleep in a bit, I'd rather sleep in than go outside in the freezin' butt weather to smoke. My doctor simply said to me, "with minimal cravings why do you smoke"?...I didn't have a good answer. My mum say's to me "you sleep for 8-9 hours without a smoke, why spark up again"? You know she's got a right point...darn parents! Honestly I'm down to about 6 - 8 per day now, just can't kick'em though, but it is getting easier. The mind is weak but the motivation is there, especially when I hear my 55 year old neighbor coughing up a lung!
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