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Old 09-08-2012, 12:09 PM   #52
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Feel like doing damage

Originally Posted by AU Mont
My 12 year old been bullied by certain other kids for a couple years now, and it usually starts from the school bus in the morning to getting off the school bus in the afternoon.

Approached the principle about the bullying which ranges from petty group rejection to death threats (some of these very disturbing). He says its just kids being kids and that my kid has a big mouth and is just as guilty

Wife rings up the mother of the main bully this morning, and from what i heard on this end was a very light converstation of basically "could you please have a talk to your kid about the bullying, yes i know it takes two to tango ive already had a word to mine" blah blah

So this ******* ***** mother of the bully turns up at school today finds my kid in the playground and literally gets in his face and starts yelling at him, wheres he is left in tears and runs straight to the principal not knowing what to do. Principal makes a phonecall informing my wife at work what happened and that he will be sending a letter to each party of what happened.

If it was a bloke i would have 'dealt' with it, but because it was the mother, i let the wife go over their house and ask what the hell was she thinking trying to intimidate a little boy like that. Well the ***** denied even speaking to him, then stormed out the front door trying to hit my wife being held back by the husband which had a look on his face of not knowing of anything that had been going on.

And my 5 year old came home in tears today because they are starting on him too, one of them being a kid from the next door neighbour with his precious lawn as per my other whinge thread.

The wife then goes to the police and mentions the trespassing ***** mother abusing my kid at school, and he said none of it is his problem, whilst also mentioning how he received a phonecall from her that my wife turned up at their house trying to hit her.......... all lies bullshtt, but no-one is listening

Now i get to the point where im under alot of stress & just feel like killing someone, and im afraid of approaching unapproachable people because i cant tolerate any nonsense like this.

So how does everyone else deal with their kids getting bullied !!??
What I can see and appreciate is the degree of frustration , children and some parents have dreadful behavior patterns and lack a common decency , experience tells me smashing them doesn't work , however going to the Headmaster and making a formal complaint the first time may , if that fails escalate complaints directly to the Education Dept in your state in the strongest possible terms , be prepared to move your child on the assumption they are inoccent but thats a last resort . My grandchild was being bullied and on making conversation with the parent of the bully and then having my solicitor write to the principle it stopped the physical side although of course some jeering occoured for a short while , I seriously contemplated taking matter into my own hands but the solicitors letter of demand to the school worked and cooled things

Good luck with it and remember try to remain calm for now.
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