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Old 12-05-2012, 09:03 AM   #28
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: air conditioner gas to go up 220% june 30th ?

Originally Posted by Herrod Motorsport
I feel for you , this government has stuffed our country . How much extra paperwork are you going to have to do . These idiots give out money to the lower income family's for schooling in the budget but don't mention they are going to take it back in other ways . This country is stuffed
Correction , Education is how they are attempting to sell a cash giveaway in a feeble and totally transparent attempt to buy votes . If it was an education bonus it would only be redeemable on educational products such as stationery , school uniforms , school shoes etc etc . This is BUYING votes ( pure and simple ) from labours traditional heartland and like the Krudd handouts a massive proportion will end up ****ed up against a wall or punted through the TAB or propping up the likes of Philip Morris and B.A.T. I have never known a government that hates its own country as this one does , who hates loathes and despises entrepreneurs , employers ( you know the ones who employ the labour supporters ) and achievers with the vitriolic passion this one does . I never in my wildest dreams ever believed we could see a worse government than Evatts or Whitlams , sadly I have been proved to be wrong .
Chevy badges , the Polariser of the new millenia .
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