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Old 23-03-2012, 09:59 AM   #4
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Brisbane
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Default Re: $A=$US - Are we getting ripped off?

I agree, we are still being ripped.

Most companies offer pricing specific to a market which also makes allowance for taxes and tariffs specific to that place. Ultimately, the price they put on the sticker for the consumer is an amount they think someone will pay, not what is simply a fair price covering a fair margin.

More and more though, as the world shrinks, companies are realising that people will shop globally and will exploit opportunities to save a few bucks. Not just on low cost things like shoes and electronics, not just on cars and boats, but full blown business equipment and partners, lifestyles and careers.

At the end of the day though, you won't pull the same margin on a diamond ring in Sierra Leone as you would in Sydney.

Is it cutting the bum out of prices to sell in a cheaper market, or inflating prices to make hay in an expensive one?
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