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Old 01-07-2005, 10:10 AM   #5
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Originally Posted by SVR73
Question - will this club replace the current south aussie ford forums events like the one on the weekend.
If not, I'll probably choose to stick with what we already have going
If yes, will consider joing ORSM depending on terms and conditions of becoming/being a member
Hi Matty

I dont think it is that straightforward. However, this club will not replace anything that the other clubs are doing, let me get that straight now! As far as the general cruises that we have been going on, such as the one Pully organised last weekend, well I would think that if the same people who went on that are going to be involved with the club, then it will be the same people doing the same thing, just CALLED something different.... ie ORSM Ford Cruises...

As far as terms and conditions of becoming a member of the club, I dont think there is going to be anything that strict about it, however we will ask Pete at our BBQ. These are the sorts of questions that will be answered at the BBQ - it is why we are having it, so you can come along and see.

Any ideas are welcome too, so please come along and give us some ideas as well!

Ben and Kelly, nice to see you guys coming along too!


Silhouette, window tint, roof racks, 3rd row seats, ROH Mantis 19s, black custom plates 'FPVF6X' and no stripes.

: Cobra :
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