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Old 18-02-2007, 10:14 AM   #20
Luke Plaizier
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I'm curious about the Wireless discussion above though. I haven't found a media player with built in wireless. Is there any chance someone could point me in that direction?

Then again, with USB, it'd probably be just as easy to pull it out and take it inside than fiddle around with wireless and flaky signal strength and having to go outside and turn the ignition on and go back out and turn it off.

I was originally looking at one of these: with an m1-atx power supply that keeps power on the PC for a timed interval after the car is shut off. But by the time you add all the PC bits it adds up to nearly $1k, which has a low WAF (Wife Approval Factor).

The media boxes listed here, (in combination with an ASL conversion of course, as this is an ASL discussion), in my mind is a much better proposition.

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