Thread: "R-Spec" FPVs
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Old 06-01-2007, 09:06 AM   #79
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"Motorsport" usage DEFINATELY voids the warranty!!!! When my car was due for a diff replacement I took it to Eastern Creek for a few runs....They noticed some rubber in my wheel wells from the warm up pad.....They questioned it....I told them that as the car was booked in for the diff swap I did a burnout just to see what it would do....And I also told them to check their service records as the diff noise was a complaint I made on it's first service.!! They let it go but did warn me that if Ford's inspectors saw it they would not let it through under warranty.

As for the track options, well that's a good thing even if it is low volume...How often have you seen the mags test the low volume track special HSV's against the regular FPV's....Even tyres alone make a noticable difference to the HSV's lap times. Gives the other side bragging rights every time!!! Also look at the prodcution car racing. The HSV's are noticably faster than the FPV's....
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