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Old 01-07-2020, 05:39 PM   #545
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Default Re: First experience .. Vic law regarding passing emergency vehicle

Originally Posted by Full Noise View Post
Hang on.... In this situation and in many others, the emergency services are DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE for making their "workplace" safer by not stopping vehicles "unnecessarily" in dangerous places. In many situations, they have the power to make their workplace safer by their actions.
I agree however you don't throw the baby out with the bathwater.

Rarely do accidents happen at a convenient location. Those people have to work where they happen. They don't get the luxury of moving it somewhere else.

Sure, the video you linked is a specific example however it doesn't make the law wrong. Perhaps legislation needs changing regarding traffic stops and the way traffic police use their lights. This would be a better solution than scrapping the law.

As for the video you linked, do you think the truck driver reacted to the flashing lights or the fact that the vehicles were suddenly stopped (or moving very slowly)? I'm not a truck driver so I can't comment on how far away the flashing lights would be visible however I do still think driver attitude toward them is a big part of the problem, generally speaking.
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