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Old 27-07-2021, 08:52 AM   #41
Join Date: Nov 2016
Location: Perth Australia
Posts: 3,618
Default Re: You Don't own MY Reality

Having trouble doing partial Quotes, so I cut and pasted what I wanted.

You state and I quote--"that is not quite what Leesa was saying though" unquote.
What are you a mind reader?....or is Leesa sitting next to you discussing all of this!

I've experienced similar, asking a specialist to treat me for a condition (let's call it A), while making it very clear that I'm not interested in anything to do with this other related condition (Condition B).
They disregard all of that, and want to start me on treatments to fix Condition B anyway, and if it also happens to do something to ease Condition A, then that's a bonus, but not something they're concerned about.

The treatment that would likely fix Condition A causes birth defects, and though there isn't a snowflakes chance in hell of me becoming pregnant, they STILL won't allow me to have it.

But they WILL give it to men, despite the fact that they could get someone pregnant while on it...UNQUOTE

I have no idea what you have written above means, its just a hotchpotch of letters and numbers.?...I really don't get what it is that Leesa is not saying but you are saying it for her!...I know what she posted I read it!

Cheers Billy

Last edited by slowsnake; 27-07-2021 at 08:53 AM. Reason: Remove a bit
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