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Old 04-04-2021, 12:21 AM   #11
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Default Re: First experience .. Vic law regarding passing emergency vehicle

Originally Posted by Franco Cozzo;6563731[B
]Politically and emotionally motivated charges [/B]because it was a group of their own and they're going to make an example out of him, if it was myself, you and Full Noise who were the ones featuring in video footage and being abused as we lay dying/dead they wouldn't be chasing Richard Pusey to the end of the earth to get him on the charges he is facing.
If it was politically and emotional charges it would have most likely been thrown out of court a while back but for the fact that the case is still ongoing after a few hearings proves the charges by police have merit by the sitting magistrate.
I would dare say a charge might stick with this case but I doubt he will serve any more time since he was remanded.
Like I said before the magistrate will decide what is appropriate for this grub.
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