Thread: Ambitious China
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Old 24-11-2020, 10:59 AM   #184
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Default Re: Ambitious China

Originally Posted by Bossxr8 View Post
60 Minutes had a real good interview with HR McMaster, former US National Security Advisor last night. Straight up he was saying China are nothing but a cancer, and will bully and intimidate smaller countries to get what they want. They will provide funding for infrastructure in those countries, then they basically own them, and use that power to control that countries foreign policy. They are complete tyrants.
Sounds like this guy just described his own establishment. But at least these countries now have a choice of two tyrants.

The IMF and World Bank have dominated international money lending for a long time. Who is the major shareholder? They crippled some of the smaller countries and made them their slaves. "If you don't behave as we tell you, we will downgrade your credit rating". Now an alternative has arrived, these countries are taking it, and the establishments are ****ed. Sri Lanka has always been used as the poster child to criticise China's debt diplomacy, but Sri Lanka looks like they might double down. Why?

Sri Lanka turns to China rather than IMF to avoid default

There is a new player in town. They look different and have a different culture and political regime. They don't play by the establishment rules, do business differently, and is a competitor. The establishment don't like it, they see it as a threat to their dominance. Smells like fear.

But hey, it looks like we are getting in on the game too. $1b loan to Indonesia for "covid recovery". But only after years of successive foreign aid cuts? I'd be keen to know where are we getting the money from?
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