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Old 04-06-2020, 07:56 PM   #1194
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Default Re: Australia housing bubble

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Your stupidity is getting offensive and you are talking out of your rectum.

Whoever goes to work is taking all the risk.

Look at what is offered regarding maternity leave compared to paternity leave.

Then you will realise that it's mostly woman staying home by default.

With that they have all the leverage.

You have no Bloody clue what your on about, go speak to some of your male friends that have gone through divorce and 'family' court.

That's if you have any male friend alive after going through the wringer and left out to dry after the bias judges and vindictive, power tripping entitled female is finished with them.

The male suicide rate is like 6 times that is women. Must be all that leverage they have.

Sorry for the rant, but I can't let that absolute BS go unanswered.

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Settle down, don't take your misogyny out on me.

By the way... more women attempt suicide than men. It's just that men use more lethal means and so they succeed in greater numbers. Seeing as you seem to want to turn this into some sort of competition?
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