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Old 27-01-2020, 04:57 PM   #3000
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
Posts: 8,333
Default Re: Geez! I hate that!

Today really got up my goat. Not because i wanted to, but i got up early and took my idiot brother visiting. He had spoken to my grandpa who is 93 and confused as to why if you lose your bike licence you cant drive a car either. Then we visited my mum. I didnt know she hadnt been told. The first thing i said to her is you can deal with this idiot. Mum was calm which i found odd. So she asks me to fix a stuck blind which i did and calm as anything my brother asks mum to borrow some cash to get his bike towed. Mum asks why he needs a tow, expecting to hear it uas a flat tyre or is broken down. My brother responded calmly saying the police cancelled his rego and took the number plate. So my blood was boiling, he said it in a way as if it happens all the time. Mum asked why? 63 (or was it 68, doesnt matter, alot) over. Mum absolutely flipped her lid. After dropping my brother home i called mum to try calm her down a bit. She was going me a bit and i had to remind her i have nothing to do with it. She was just venting at me. I had to remind her my main reason for going over was to show her my new car, and im not helping my brother because i want to, i have no sympathy for the guy. But unfortunately there are only 2 people who carry that fool through life, and if its not me its mum and she is at the end of her rope with all the carry on. So a crappy morning to be had for all at my camp.
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