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Old 02-01-2019, 11:02 AM   #26
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: ABC Torque Road Tests 1974 -1980

Originally Posted by arronm View Post
I got hooked last night and watched about 3 hours of Torque on You Tube. Watched it when I was a teenager, but back then and young probably didn't really watch and understand. Now I realise he really knew a great amount about the motoring industry and cars. Was also a good driver.

So funny in 1980 he wondered way electric cars and buses weren't being developed. 40 years and we haven't really come 40 years in development....
Yeah, I have been doing the same thing, watching lots of old Torque episodes on You Tube. The opening guitar riff in the colour episodes certainly is earworm music. Amazing to think that this show is nearly 40 years old, and in many respects the driving tips are still relevant today. While Peter is the star, clearly it was a team effort with great camera work (mostly hand held and without the fancy toys of today), clear audio, and judicious editing.

Also fascinating is how technology has changed over time. In one episode, Peter absolutely pans the Subaru Leone 4WD as a pointless exercise. Too low to be a genuine 4WD and too rough to be a car. Yet, here were are 40 years later with a populous of SUV running permanent or part time AWD.

Another episode that brought back a lot of memories was the comparison between radial and cross-ply tyres. This alone caused hours of friction between my Dad and I, as the old man was firmly in the cross-ply tyre camp.
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