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Old 17-11-2018, 06:00 PM   #1
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Aug 2010
Posts: 1,622
Default make a friend (where did you meet your partner) just to keep in mind


just to keep in mind where would you find girls without travelling 2 hrs to adelaide to look even friends of friends that like the area youre in and dont want to move.

to make it easier to have people over which will increase chance is there something you can put on a powered site or free camp sites or overnight stay spots that is as easy to setup and as comfortable as a van and doesnt have all that extra packing and setting up that a tent or tent type camper does that will give you as long as you need to buy or build your van.

the ef as most of you know by now wasnt upto travelling to murray bridge to your cousins and get to know their friends and get the idea how to talk to people without doing the major repairs it needed.

yous recon thats one reason why many other people change cars that are daily driven when they become a hassle even though it costs more to do so than to keep fixing your old one even replacing the engine and transmission or more like is it that its best to not have to buy something in a hurry and make wrong decision
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