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Old 09-08-2018, 03:21 PM   #1
mick taylor
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
Join Date: Jan 2018
Posts: 990
Default Spot lights for cars, not 4X4

I was thinking what is the best way to vastly improve your lights for fast driving nowadays.

I remember driving back from a night out on the town in a XA GT Hardtop back in the 80's and she had big 9 inch or more spotlights on it and she turned them on and it lit up the road like day time, broad beam I am sure they were.

But I had 6in Hella one broad beam on the passenger side and a pencil on the right and she had better long range.

Now talking to a mate and he started on about the new stuff as if it was x mass, now I was working on his house and he gave me this LED crap and just ranted on and on about how great it was and I thought it was total crap because I could not see the bubble on my level well at all and I have to be absolutely spot on, not just crap like builders.
The light was sitting coming in from the doorway as I had nothing above and no windows, I said it was total crap and he just would not listen.

Now I don't think to much of the new crap on cars really, yes they are good but
I put Narva 50 Xenon globes on my VY back in 2004 and sure better brighter light but the signs on the side of the road were lit up like a bastard as well and that becomes a pain with 500km of putting up with it.

Now I am told that pencil beam spot lights are illegal now ?

I don't give a rats about 4x4 as such are that slow that pencil beam lights are not really there game.

Now I have a Porsche 928 and I am thinking what to do to make night driving the best that can be, so as to comfortable and relax at just plodding along at 200KM/H at night as you can only drive as fast as you can see.

I think I will just go back to the old school stuff and it's cheaper and I had problems blowing bulbs ever to be a worry at all.

I ask what would be best on a road bike for high speeds.
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