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Old 09-03-2018, 04:22 PM   #65
Ford Escape ZA 3.0L V6
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Default Re: Driving at night.

Originally Posted by Ben73 View Post
Interesting. Over the past few years all the work cars have been slowly changed from halogen spot lights to LED flood lights.
I have noticed that I cannot spot kangaroos any easier with the LEDs even though the LEDs are noticeably brighter and have a wider beam. I assumed that I don't spot them any quicker because the beam was more spread out rather than focused in a smaller area, but I have to say what you said might explain it.
I think it's experiment time if I can find an old torch in the garage.
Hi , do some tests if you like , searching around on the interweb will also come up with stuff but not from Led sellers/manufacturers although the honest ones briefly mention it , that phenomenon is well know in the Electronics hobby about reading colour codes using a led .

Leds have a bin type that resembles natural visible light but that also reduces the power output of it compared to say the Cool White and others .

With those work vehicles i would guess (a guess) that if one did disable those Halogen's and only used the Led floods that one might? be surprised on just what colours actually did get reflected back , i can only go by my torches and i'm also a electronics hobbyist and can guarantee using a led reading colour codes is useless , its easier just to measure them eventually or use a "real torch" or light .

One test could be is park in a area out on the road that had alot of brown and silver grey things up ahead like big old fence posts and the likes , then turn off the halogens ? or visa versa .

Paul .
Ford Escape 2003 ZA XLS 3.0L V6
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