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Old 23-12-2016, 04:46 PM   #15
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Default Re: Qld flash for cash cameras

Originally Posted by XByoot View Post
Mate,absolutely agree. I see that all the time and I wouldn't do that stuff. Stay out of the way if at all possible and stick to the limit is my main aim. There's nothing worse than driving a single lane highway with a 110 limit and there's a dude at say 80 holding up a line of cars,get to the two lane overtaking section and they speed up to 110 so people can't get past,then back to the single lane and they slow back down to 80 wtf?? I drive between Gold Coast and Brisbane a lot,night road works are common,often 4 lanes being reduced to 1 and with a 40 limit. If you sit at 40 you'd get run down I reckon,40 means about 70 in theses cases. There's even cops there sometimes,I believe it's a bit of an overtime rort they are on or something. But if I sat at say 55 I'd get some dude up the backside tailgating or flashing lights for sure.Put a camera there and it would be a gold mine. I try to stick to the limits,but in some of these situations it's hard to keep out of the way,and keep all your points.
The 40 zones when workers aren't there at all I think contributes to so many drivers zooming through at night. But know what you mean. It creates uncertainty about what is safest to do which makes the area less safe for everyone really.
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