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Old 16-06-2015, 06:44 PM   #88
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Default Re: Depression, Anxiety

I've hit rock bottom again recently.

My father has been layed up in Hospital with Oesophagus and stomach cancer for the past 4 weeks, i actually found out about it an hour before i got the phone call that my daughter had been in a car accident which many of you may have read of on here.

Well, to say i come from a dysfunctional family would be an undrstatement. I have 6 half siblings who are the most money hungry, self centered bunch of bastards that you could ever have the disadvantage of meeting.
They hate Dad with a vengence and have harboured that hate for 40 yrs.

With Dad in Hospital with terminal Cancer and at 82, he doesnt have long and nothing can be done but make him comfortable, Well, one of my Sisters has decided its a good time to make herself comfortable and as a result she has convinced Dad to hand all of his affairs over to her and had his will changed.
Shes already taken his brand new Hyundai Getz and transfered the rego, taken all of his furniture and tools and has his key card in her purse.

She convinced him that there was a necessity to leave someone out of his Will in order to prevent anyone from contesting what he has left to them (he had left 5 of them all 10k each and was going to have his unit split 3 ways between the controlling Sister, her son and me, but now thinks they want more due to her fear campaign) and their 'family lawyer' has gone along with it.
Guess who got struck out of it, yep, me.

Not that the thought of getting nothing is my concern, its them bastards getting it all that is ripping me apart and the fact that he is convinced that leaving me out is somehow beneficial to stopping them from contesting it for everything. Aparently after the unit is sold they will see me right...

I've done a bit of research on contesting Wills and i cant see anywhere that says leaving one child out of it will stop it from being contested.

To top it all off my Sister has arranged to take him home to her house for his final days and i doubt i will see him again, i took my wife and kids to see him on Sunday night as it was to be his last night in Hospital

So as i sit here i face the loss or my dad at any moment, i've probably layed eyes on him for the final time and its killing me knowing that everything he has worked hard for his whole life is about to be given to those who hate him the most.
I wont go to his funeral as they fought like cat and dog at their mothers and im not sitting through that with my kids. They actually had to get a court order over their mothers ashes as the controlling Sister kept them to herself and in the end had to get a photo of her tipping them out at the beach to satisfy the court.
I can only imagine where Dad will end up.
She's even admitted that she will have his dog put down when he takes his last breath, so no one else gets it, what type of person takes it out on a dog ffs.
The only thing stopping me from taking the lot out is my love for my wife and kids.
In the state im in i could do it without blinking an eye.

Sorry for the rant.
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