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Old 29-05-2013, 11:42 PM   #1154
BENT_8's Avatar
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Default Re: Major Ford announcement

Originally Posted by lotski View Post
And? What's your point?

Too often have I heard people sitting around and criticizing the general populace for being complacent and not fighting for what they believe in.
As soon as someone does however, they're met with ridicule and objection.
Usually, the people doing the criticizing are the same people; and I'm not certainly not saying this is definitely the case here, so don't think for a second I'm saying you're that way inclined.
However, it makes people want to stand up less, for fear, not of failure, but of being laughed at. As you said, those who disagree with you have your blessing to go forth and conquer (or not). I'd rather see a bunch of people stand up and fight for what they believe in, regardless of the grandiose plans they have that may or may not work, don't forget though, when the suffragists campaigned for female voting rights, they too were laughed at, and told they were ridiculous. Sometimes ridiculous works, and if it doesn't, well at least someone had the balls to try, and that's FAR better in my eyes than just sitting around and mocking people.
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That's exactly how I tell it.
On many occasions it gets me in trouble, but I NEVER let the thought of ridicule or censorship stop me from speaking my mind.
I do believe though that many more people would 'stand up' if not for their fear of ridicule.
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