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Old 11-07-2011, 10:06 AM   #10
The Monty
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Default Re: FYI: Tax rates going up

Originally Posted by Geez Louise
Ah taxes...the bain of my life at one point in time and to an extent still are!

There are two things in life that are inevitable, death and taxes....Happens to everyone.

There was a tax increase as of 1st July 2011 for the flood levy and yet you hear nothing about that. People who have already received their pay for this finanical year and are earning over 50k will know what I am talking about. So the flood levy is bought in for 2011/2012 financial year and basically when it ends, will be replaced by the Carbon tax. We will still be paying taxes...

It is all taken in one hand and given out in the other...and not always a fair balance of the scales either..Is anyone really surprised??

Not surprised, and think its fair that we pay tax. But I just wish we werent given the run around, with magical spin. I just want these things answered, without the spin and the bullcrap, and lies, which we have been told figures, that are nowhere near what any reasonable person can believe.

How much will we be paying extra per year? I dont beleive for a second that its only $9.90 a week.
How much will this cool the earth by? IIRC, last night we were told if everything works perfectly, 4 one thousandth of a degree.
Will the increase in CPI (0.7%) and the extra tax we wont be paying (?) impact on our interest rates for houses? More money in, more money out, CPI going up, interest rates go up. So the carbon tax could possibly push interest rates higher. Again. So will this be compensated as well?
And lastly, whats the use of having a tax, where everyone is mostly compensated, that is not certain to do anything, and that will cost jobs (thats a fact)? It doesnt make sense to me.

Its not that I dont welcome the new tax, but I really would like to understand what Im paying for.
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