Thread: !@#$% Optus
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Old 07-01-2007, 08:12 PM   #21
The Guy You Love To Hate
Join Date: Jan 2005
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Originally Posted by schmidty
After almost 6 months of waiting, i was even set up by a friend and was stitched up by mat tilley on a FOX FM gotcha call pretending he was a indian Telstra operator calling to tell me my phone was not going to be connected! I went bananas!!
Finally got it on, 6 months later, took telstra on and got $2k back in compensation, and as soon as that credit is spent i'll be giving business retentions a call at optus and seeing what they can do for me there.

I've had enough of supporting business and services purely for being australian. I'll spend my hard earned on the people who work hard to look after me. Think its something thats starting to happen a lot. I'm more than happy to pay a premium if it means i get top notch service and no headaches.
OMG was that you ahaha that was classic im sure you laughed afterwards i know i nearly died from laughter i could hear your head about to explode!
That was one of their good pranks, some are pretty average.

Probably a good thing you got done on the radio as im sure someone from telstra noticed the bad publicity they wouldve gotten, ive never heard of anyone recieving any compensation for late installation let alone $2000!
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